The Church and Pornography

Chapter 1 – The Trap

Runtime: (08:17 MIN)

This video series was created with your needs in mind. We hope it serves as a beacon of hope for those struggling with pornography and for those who minister to them. In this video, Sam Black, Director of Recovery Education for Covenant Eyes and author of “The Healing Church: What Churches Get Wrong About Pornography and How to Fix It,” will provide an overview of the series and delve into the widespread problem of pornography.

Runtime: (12:38 MIN)

Sam will delve into the consequences of children being exposed to pornography, highlighting why they are at significant risk and how early exposure can lead to problematic porn habits.

Runtime: (12:10 MIN)

This session will cover the fundamentals of neurology. Sam will explain why pornography use is not merely a moral issue, but a neurological one.

Runtime: (11:56 MIN)

Trauma and pornography use are often closely related. In this session, Sam will investigate the connection between the two.

Runtime: (09:59 MIN)

In this session, Troy Haas, CEO of HopeQuest Ministry Group and a prolific author on addiction recovery, explains the addiction cycle and reveals how our brains mislead us into handling distress and uncomfortable emotions through unhealthy behaviors.

Runtime: (05:53 MIN)

This video outlines the four components of the Porn Rut: Sensitization, Triggers, Desensitization, and Compulsiveness. It highlights how cultivating godly habits can rewire the brain and help break the cycle of porn addiction. Sam stresses the importance of integrating psychological, neurological, and spiritual approaches to help individuals overcome pornography addiction and experience freedom and renewal.

Runtime: (16:19 MIN)

This material explores issues related to identity struggles, feelings of inadequacy, and unhealthy coping mechanisms that lead to dependence on pornography. It emphasizes the importance of seeking accountability and relying on God’s strength to overcome addiction and build healthier relationships. Watch this video to learn how to support those who need God’s empowerment to make positive choices.

Chapter 2 – Pornography’s Impact on the Church

Runtime: (15:23 MIN)

In this talk, Dr. Roy Smith invites you to reflect on addressing sensitive issues openly, while acknowledging the emotional and practical difficulties involved. Emphasize the role of empathy in your outreach and support. Pay attention to the courage, compassion, and empathy demonstrated in the guidance offered, and think about how you can incorporate these qualities into your own counseling or service efforts.

Runtime: (07:31 MIN)

Sam, acting as a modern-day prophet, warns us about the forces undermining God’s church. The hidden struggles of those dealing with pornography can restrict their full engagement in spiritual communities. God has highlighted the church’s vital role in our spiritual growth and in the spiritual battles we face. Let’s open our hearts to the wisdom Sam has to share.

Runtime: (09:21 MIN)

Nate Larkin, founder of the Samson Society and author of Samson and the Pirate Monks, is a renowned speaker on discussing pornography within the church. In this session, he shares his insights on addressing the topic, drawing from his extensive experience speaking about pornography from various pulpits.

Runtime: (09:58 MIN)

In this session, Matt Wenger, Clinical Director of Boulder Recovery Colorado, will initiate a discussion on a challenging topic: how to address pornography from the pulpit.

Runtime: (31:59 MIN)

Listen to Nate Larkin’s profound humility and insight as he intertwines the story of Samson with his personal journey of recovery, offering a refreshingly honest example for those seeking help but hesitant to begin.

Runtime: (12:24 MIN)

Sam explores our tendency to neglect and poorly address our wounds, which prevents us from fully following Jesus’ directive to cast our burdens on Him. By examining the traumas that drive individuals towards pornography, such as childhood abandonment and sexual abuse, we gain crucial insights for supporting those struggling with addiction. We discover that understanding these issues and embracing Christ’s redemption are vital for healing and transformation.

Runtime: (14:21 MIN)

Explore the realm of internal conflict and spiritual growth. Whether grappling with pornography addiction, alcoholism, or the relentless pursuit of perfection, our human struggles ultimately guide us back to God’s healing presence. In this section, focus on both the practical advice for addressing these issues within your ministry and the significance of prayerful reflection and seeking God’s guidance.

Runtime: (10:45 MIN)

These next 3 videos describe three ways God responds to pornography: by rejecting it, recognizing its addictive nature, and compassionately reaching out to liberate individuals from its hold. As you watch, focus on God’s approach to healing and reflect on how this applies to your own life. God loves us and desires the best for us—consider how you can use this resource to create a healing environment for those in need.

Runtime: (13:04 MIN)

Runtime: (14:43 MIN)

Chapter 3 – Pornography and Church Leaders

Runtime: (09:15 MIN)

For pastors facing challenges or anyone grappling with personal struggles, this video featuring Nate Larkin underscores that connection is crucial for recovery. In a church where many suffer, achieving recovery requires openness, transparency, and support from both those in leadership and the congregation.

Runtime: (08:31 MIN)

In assisting others with tough life issues, we must also be ready to confront our own challenges. In this concise lesson, Troy uses a striking metaphor to direct our focus, ensuring we lead others effectively through their darkest moments. Let’s delve into the essence of true leadership.

Runtime: (08:46 MIN)

In this segment, Matt Wenger, Clinical Director of Boulder Recovery, will outline methods for training and equipping volunteer staff with the expertise to understand and address pornography addiction, improving their ability to assist those who are struggling.

Runtime: (15:08 MIN)

In the next talk of the series, Dr. Roy Smith will examine the core issue of addressing pornography use within your church, the tension between our current state and our desired growth. This struggle highlights our reliance on a higher power for continual progress. Join us as we investigate the complexities of this human conflict, the disparity between our flawed intentions and God’s perfect direction, and how openly discussing these struggles in preaching can promote spiritual maturity and healing.

Chapter 4 – Betrayal Trauma

Runtime: (09:47 MIN)

In this video, Nate will address those dealing with pornography addiction, offering practical advice for helping their spouses navigate the difficult journey of disclosure, recovery, and achieving forgiveness.

Runtime: (11:13 MIN)

Like Job’s friends who struggled to offer helpful support, we often find it difficult to know what to say to someone who has discovered that their spouse wasn’t entirely as they believed. This segment will explore the complexities of forgiveness. Matt will discuss how many well-intentioned church leaders are ill-equipped to assist betrayed partners and will offer strategies for providing better support to those in need.

Chapter 5 – Safe Places & Processes

Runtime: (09:25 MIN)

When we realize our enslavement to compulsive behaviors that damage our integrity and relationships while conflicting with God’s values, we need a plan. Troy, who has led many from darkness to light, outlines how to find our way back to the freedom God intends. Viewing pornography as a soul infection can foster a healing environment. Addressing negative decision-making openly and preparing a supportive community increases the likelihood of recovery. Troy uses a Biblical story to show how a positive church environment and understanding the recovery process can drive transformation.

Runtime: (06:16 MIN)

Fear often prevents us from taking risks and being authentic. Pastors may hesitate to address pornography use in their congregations due to concerns about being labeled the “porn church,” facing judgment, or causing conflict. This fear can silence important conversations. How can we overcome this barrier? Matt Wenger will tackle these issues and offer strategies for addressing pornography openly in the church.

Runtime: (10:37 MIN)

Learn how to create genuine environments in churches and communities where people can cast off their “grave clothes” of shame and achieve real transformation. In this video, Troy offers practical advice on fostering spaces that prioritize honesty, authenticity, and restoration.

Runtime: (07:45 MIN)

James 5:16 urges us to confess our sins to one another, which can cause anxiety and resistance. If you’ve been hesitant to start a recovery group for pornography addiction, Matt’s insights are for you. Learn how to avoid the “Confession Trap,” where vulnerability becomes a release rather than a path to growth. Discover strategies for creating effective peer-led groups and gain practical advice on group dynamics and holistic recovery practices to support individuals on their journey to overcoming addiction.

Runtime: (16 MIN)

In helping others, you’ll encounter individuals desperately seeking support. This series underscores the importance of human connection in recovery, which relies on regular meetings. Join me to discuss practical strategies for group sessions that tackle pornography addiction, incorporate spiritual guidance, and celebrate milestones in the recovery journey.

Runtime: (08:25 MIN)

Authenticity and vulnerability can be difficult for men, as society often discourages deep emotional connections. Yet, a thriving church needs precisely that. Men need safe spaces to express their true selves. Listen as Matt shares insights on this innovative approach to men’s ministry.

Our Speakers

Sam Black.
Sam Black
Director of Recovery Education – Covenant Eyes

Sam Black is the author of The Healing Church: What Churches Get Wrong About Pornography and How to Fix It and The Porn Circuit: Understand Your Brain and Break Porn Habits. The director of recovery
education, Sam joined the Covenant Eyes team in 2007 after 18 years as a journalist. He has edited 16
books on the impact of pornography and speaks at parent, men’s, and leaders’ events.

Sam is passionate about helping Christians live free from pornography because he knows you keep what you give away. He walks his own grace-filled journey with the support of valued allies.

Organizations & Resources:
Troy Haas.
Troy Haas


Chief Executive Officer – HopeQuest Ministry Group

Troy Haas, MDiv, currently serves as the Executive Director of the HopeQuest Ministry Group and has
almost 30 years of ministry experience, including six years as an IMB missionary in Kenya and 15 years as
Director of Restoration Ministries at First Baptist Church of Woodstock.

Troy’s personal struggle with addiction and own journey of recovery have enabled him to minister to
others with authenticity and grace, providing hope that freedom is possible. Troy and his wife Melissa
have dedicated their lives to encouraging, enabling and equipping the body of Christ to live out
Galatians 6:1—Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently.

Troy earned his Master of Divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and his
Bachelor of Arts degree from East Texas Baptist University. He resides with Melissa and their three
children in Woodstock, Georgia.

Organizations & Resources:
Nate Larkin.

Nate Larkin

Founder – The Samson Society

Nate Larkin knows the struggle of maintaining a public persona while battling secret addictions. Growing up as a Pentecostal preacher’s son, Nate was a role model but hid a deep internal conflict. After earning a B.A. in Religious Studies and a master’s from Princeton Theological Seminary, he became a pastor, yet his addiction to pornography led him to quit ministry.

A move to Franklin, TN, and a 12-step recovery group transformed his life. Understanding the importance of community, he founded the Samson Society in 2004, a mutual aid group for Christian men seeking honest friendships. Nate authored Samson and the Pirate Monks: Calling Men to Authentic Brotherhood, advocating for authentic brotherhood. Today, the Samson Society has over 250 groups in the U.S. and continues to grow globally.

Organizations & Resources:
Dr. Roy Smith.

Dr. Roy Smith

MDiv, PhD

Founder – Pennsylvania Counseling Services, Servant’s Oasis, LiveUp Resources

Dr. Roy Smith has over 40 years of experience as a psychologist and counselor for men and their families. He founded Pennsylvania Counseling Services, which now has ~650 employees and operates in 11 counties in South Central Pennsylvania. An ordained minister with the Evangelical Church Alliance, Roy is also the founder and president of Servant’s Oasis, a non-profit supporting selfless workers for over 30 years. They are developing a retreat center in Harrisburg, PA.

Roy created LiveUp Resources, producing books and videos to guide individuals toward their God-given potential. He has written 24 books on men’s issues and mentorship, contributed to two video series for women, and authored a 12-volume series for children called The Campfire Gang, teaching biblical leadership and character skills. Roy holds a Master of Divinity, and master’s and doctorate degrees in clinical psychology. He is married to Jan, a fellow psychologist; they have two children, a son-in-law, and two grandsons.

Organizations & Resources:
Matt Wenger.

Matt Wenger


Clinical Director – Boulder Recovery

Matt Wenger holds a master’s degree in Couples and Family Counseling. He began his clinical work with
traumatized children and young people and learned how complex issues can lead to mental distress and
dysfunction in homes. Matt connected with the TINSA® (trauma-induced sexual addiction) approach to
treatment, particularly the overlap between childhood trauma and addiction, and started working with
those who identified as sex addicts at Begin Again Institute.

As a counselor and Clinical Director, Matt is energized by helping clients find words to express their
emotions around their traumas. He utilizes Emotion Focused Therapy, Attachment Theory, Motivational
Interviewing, Guided Meditation and is trained in Brain Spotting. Matt sees all people as deserving of
living a full, healthy life and works hard to help his clients move towards that end.

Organizations & Resources: