Young Men’s Scholarship

Young Men’s Scholarship

Original price was: $344.00.Current price is: $199.00.

Squire (24-lesson DVD) + Being God’s Man (book) + Bull (book) + The Campfire Gang (book)
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The Campfire Gang: The Adventure Begins (Book 1 of 9) is a short fiction book written for 5- to 13-year-olds. It teaches them about Godly principles through a series of adventures that a group of boys embark on. Depending on the child’s reading level, they may read this book on their own, or parents may choose to read it to their child.

Bull is a book that fathers or mentors can use to mentor 12- to 15-year-olds about the basic principles of manhood. Bull is the first part of a father/son mentoring series. Each chapter ends with discussion questions to help apply the lessons and create an even stronger bond.

Being God’s Man is the second part of this father/son mentoring series. Fathers or mentors can use this book to mentor 13- to 25-year-olds through God’s design for manhood. Discussion questions aid in applying the lessons and deepening the relationship. The book concludes with a monumental manhood ceremony.

Squire: The Training of the Knight is a 24-lesson DVD series designed for a group of men age 15 and up to go through together. Some fathers may choose to take only their sons through Squire. Other fathers may invite a group of fathers and sons, or mentors and young men, from their church or community. In order to enhance the learning experience, we recommend that each participant receives his own workbook (one leader’s workbook is included in this scholarship package).


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